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Melissa Tully
Melissa Tully

Melissa Tully, Ph.D.

Director, School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Professor and CLAS Collegiate Scholar
Easton Professor of Research
Melissa studies digital and social media, international communication, and news media literacy. Melissa has a particular interest in media produced in and about Africa and has conducted research in Kenya, Ghana, and Burundi. She is currently working on research about misinformation and media literacy in Kenya. Melissa teaches courses that focus on social and digital media for both undergraduate and graduate students.
Elizabeth Cecil
Elizabeth Cecil

Elizabeth Cecil

Departmental Administrator
Tessa Adams
Tessa Adams PhD University of Iowa

Tessa Adams

Graduate Student
Tessa Adams is a Ph.D. student interested in race and representation in film and television. Adams is a critical-cultural scholar particularly interested in the intersections of racism, sexism, and classism in “woke” horror productions.
Munachim Amah
Munachim Amah

Munachim Amah

Graduate Student
JCI Editor
Munachim Amah is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication and the managing editor of the Journal of Communication Inquiry. He studies journalistic professional ideals, journalistic practice, and the relationship between media and social change, with particular attention to how journalism disrupts and conserves systemic injustices, discrimination, and inequalities.
Daniel Berkowitz
Daniel Berkowitz

Daniel Berkowitz, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
Dan’s primary research interests focus on social and cultural approaches to the study of news, particularly news narratives, collective memory, professional boundary work and the media/terrorism interface.
Stephen Berry
Stephen Berry

Stephen Berry, M.A.

Professor Emeritus
Stephen J. Berry, a Pulitzer Prize-winning former reporter, specializes in investigative reporting. His book, Watchdog Journalism: The Art of Investigative Reporting (Oxford University Press), was released in July 2008. He is now conducting research on liberal newspaper editors in the South during the civil rights movement for his second book. He is co-founder, senior advisor and the former interim executive director-editor of The Iowa Center for Public Affairs Journalism, a non-profit organization that publishes the online news site, The Iowa Center is dedicated to collaborating with other news organizations to produce in-depth explanatory and investigative projects on serious public affairs issues confronting Iowans. During his tenure as editor, he supervised and edited more than 100 student-produced investigative or explanatory projects for IowaWatch.
Venise Berry
Venise Berry

Venise Berry, Ph.D.

Berry's research is in the area of African American Cultural Criticism. She is developing a theory called "racialism," which involves the influence of the media on African American images and messages. She is published widely in academic circles with numerous articles based on her research in the area of media, youth, and popular culture. Her two most recent nonfiction projects, The Historical Dictionary of African American Film (Scarecrow Press, 2005) and The 50 Most Influential Black Films (Citadel, 2001) are co-authored with her brother S. Torriano Berry, a professor in film at Howard University in Washington , DC. She also co-edited the book Mediated Messages and African-American Culture: Contemporary Issues (Sage, 1996), which won the Meyers Center Award for the Study of Human Rights in North America in 1997.
Rachelle Biderman
Rachelle Biderman

Rachelle Biderman

Adjunct Instructor
Rachelle has taught a variety of MASC classes since 2017. While she enjoys the study of communication and public speaking, the most rewarding aspect of teaching in the MASC program is seeing those intersections reflected in the lives and practice of the students.
Stephen G. Bloom
Stephen Bloom

Stephen G. Bloom

Stephen G. Bloom's current work focuses on long-form nonfiction, oral history, and online narrative journalism. He teaches magazine reporting and writing, and media ethics in a digital age. Bloom was named the 2020 recipient of the Distinguished Teaching in Journalism Award by the Society of Professional Journalists.
Lei Chen
Lei Chen

Lei Chen

Graduate Student
Easton Graduate Teaching Fellow
Lei Chen is a Ph.D. student in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. His research interests fall in digital media, narrative journalism, and online deliberation.
Pam Creedon
Pam Creedon

Pam Creedon, M.A.

Professor Emeritus
Professor Pamela Creedon was the first woman hired as director of School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Iowa in 2002. After retiring from Iowa in 2012, she continued her academic career in the United Arab Emirates and retired as the Acting Dean of ZU's College of Communication and Media Sciences at Zayed University. Creedon started her academic career after 15 years in the public relations profession at The Ohio State University School of Journalism and later was Director of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Kent State University.
Jeff Donoghue
Jeff Donoghue

Jeff Donoghue

Associate Director - Financial Analysis
David Dowling
David Dowling

David Dowling, Ph.D.

David Dowling’s work in digital media and journalism studies centers on developments in publishing industries that drive markets and cultural production. The impact of shifts in online culture and digital publishing industries on multimedia narrative is the focus of Immersive Longform Storytelling: Media, Technology, Audience (2019). This research on digital journalism’s pivot toward increasingly immersive forms—from podcasts to 360/VR and interactive documentaries—provides the foundation in interactive news media for The Gamification of Digital Journalism: Innovation in Journalistic Storytelling (2021), his ninth solo-authored book. Also extending from the 2019 book are studies on podcasting that include two award-winning articles (Dowling & Miller 2019; Fox, Dowling, & Miller 2020) and a current book project on the rise of audio reporting in the digital age.
Frank Durham
Frank Durham

Frank Durham, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Frank Durham’s research interests include journalism history and media framing analysis. Prior to completing his doctorate, he worked in strategic communications. He teaches courses in journalism history, strategic communication, and cultural satire. Frank Durham is a member of the University Faculty Senate, a member of the University Faculty Council, a member of the Senate Committee on Academic Values, and a founding participant in the University Office of Teaching and Learning Committee’s large lecture development program. He won the 2011-2012 Collegiate Teaching Award in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at the University of Iowa.
Meenakshi Gigi Durham
Gigi Durham

Meenakshi Gigi Durham, Ph.D.

Meenakshi Gigi Durham is a distinguished scholar, teacher, and writer whose work centers on media and the politics of the body. Her research emphasizes issues of gender, sexuality, race, youth cultures, and sexual violence. She holds a joint appointment in Gender, Women's & Sexuality Studies and was Associate Dean for Outreach and Engagement in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences from 2017-2019.
Brian Ekdale
Brian Ekdale

Brian Ekdale, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Brian studies media work within global digital cultures. His research looks at how and why people create media content in the digital era. He has a particular interest in media produced within and about Africa. Brian has professional experience as a software trainer, instructional technologist, and video producer. His documentary 10 Days in Malawi was screened at 11 film festivals and won 8 awards.
John Erickson
John Erickson

John Erickson, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
John Erickson's research interests are in the history of mass communications in the United States, specifically the intellectual history of inquiry into news and the cultural history of reporting. He also is researching the social meaning of news. He teaches news reporting and writing, depth and specialized reporting, news editing, historical and cultural foundations of communication, history of communications in the United States, social meanings of the news, and mass communication and modern society.
Jeff Grisamore
Jeff Grisamore

Jeff Grisamore

Professor of Practice
Kylah Hedding
Kylah Hedding

Kylah Hedding, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Kylah’s research interests lie at the intersection of political communication, environmental communication, and strategic communication. She studies the roles of media and advocacy in politics and policy making. She is especially interested in water and energy issues, particularly how scientific information is used and discussed. Currently she is researching the role of media and advocacy in Iowa environmental and agricultural policy making. Additional projects include examinations of civic engagement, advocacy organizations, community newspapers, and alternative media and their influence in politics.
Mike Hendrickson
Mike Hendrickson

Mike Hendrickson

Computer Consultant
Tracy Hufford
Tracy Hufford

Tracy Hufford, M.B.A.

Associate Professor of Instruction
Event Management Certificate Internship Coordinator
Tracy’s story began in the world of business as she grew up in a family of small business entrepreneurs. Tracy followed in those footsteps and received a MBA from Thunderbird in Glendale, Arizona. She has worked in Fortune 500 companies, private companies, and been an independent business consultant and owner.
Abubakar Adam Ibrahim
Abubakar Ibrahim

Abubakar Adam Ibrahim

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Abubakar Adam Ibrahim is a Ph.D. Student in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. His research interest revolves around the intersection of information disorder (e.g., disinformation) politics and media representation. Specifically, he is interested in how information disorder and representation are employed to manipulate power dynamics among people across socioeconomic, racial, and political divides.
Bruce Japsen
Bruce Japsen

Bruce Japsen

Adjunct Instructor
Bruce Japsen specializes in writing and communicating about healthcare. Japsen writes about healthcare for Forbes and is the author of “Inside Obamacare: From Barack and Michelle to The Affordable Care Act.”
John Kimmich Javier
John Kimmich Javier

John Kimmich Javier, M.A.

Professor Emeritus
Photographing the diversity of culture and history has led John Kimmich Javier from pre-Columbian civilizations in Central America to European and Islamic civilizations in Spain. Assignments have taken him to Spain to photograph architecture, to Egypt to document an ancient ceramist community, and to Sweden to photograph palace interiors.
Brett Johnson
Brett Johnson

Brett Johnson

Associate Professor
Brett comes to UI after teaching at the Missouri School of Journalism from 2015 to 2022. Brett received his MA from UI SJMC in 2011, and his PhD in Mass Communication from the University of Minnesota in 2015. His research and teaching focus on media law, media ethics, media sociology, and the disruptive forces of digital technology on all of these fields. Brett received his JD from the UI College of Law in spring 2024.
Michele Ketchum
Michele Ketchum

Michele Ketchum

Administrative Services Coordinator
Annie Korkowski
Annie Korkowski

Annie Korkowski

Adjunct Instructor
Annie specializes in storytelling for strategic communication and milestone events. She currently serves as Vice President, Senior Creative Director at brand experience agency, August Jackson.
David Lomoywara
David Lomoywara

David Lomoywara

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
David Lomoywara is a Ph.D. student in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. He holds a B.A. in Journalism and an M.A. in Communication Studies from the United States International University (USIU-Africa).
Angela Looney
Angela  Looney

Angela Looney

Instructional Service Manager - Production Unit
Adjunct Instructor
Ugochukwu Madu
Ugochukwu Madu

Ugochukwu Madu

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Ugochukwu Madu is a Ph.D. student in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. He is seeking multi-methodological ways of addressing health misinformation. He is open to research collaborations.
Lillian Martell
Lillian Martell

Lillian Martell, M.A.

Assistant Professor of Instruction
Lillian’s career has been dedicated to newswriting for contemporary audiences. She joined the University of Iowa faculty in January 2016 after previous teaching assignments at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, and Friends University in Wichita, Kansas. A longtime journalist in Kansas and Oklahoma, Lillian served 15 years in the newspaper industry, most recently at the Wichita Eagle. She worked as both a copy editor and a reporter covering government, business, health care and higher education. She holds a bachelor of science degree from Kansas State University and a master’s degree from the University of Oklahoma.
Don McLeese
Don McLeese

Don McLeese, M.A.

Associate Professor Emeritus
Don has spent his career immersed in arts, entertainment and popular culture. He was the popular music critic for the Chicago Sun-Times and the Austin American-Statesman; a columnist, reviewer and feature writer for Rolling Stone; and a frequent music and book reviewer for a variety of newspapers, magazines and websites. His work has appeared in publications ranging from The New York Times Book Review, the Washington Post and the Oxford American to TV Guide, Entertainment Weekly and He has also written three books and contributed to many others.
Charles Munro
Charles Munro

Charles Munro, M.A.

Assistant Professor of Instruction
Charles Munro has been a journalist, manager, industry consultant and educator, for over 30 years. He started as a television trainee news writer at WXYZ in Detroit, and moved into producing and after eight years and two Emmy awards for news coverage. A promotion to Assistant News Director took him to WABC-TV in New York City. After ten years with ABC and aspiring to lead a TV newsroom he became News Director WCPO-TV in Cincinnati.
Anna Newnum
Anna Newnum

Anna Newnum

Academic Advisor
Anna Newnum is the Academic Advisor for Journalism & Mass Communication Majors. The first time she set foot on campus was as a Ph.D. student in English. She was previously a undergraduate advisor for the department of English and has worked as a writing tutor. She’s taught literature and composition courses at both the University of Iowa and Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH.
Thomas Oates
Thomas Oates

Thomas Oates, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Director of Graduate Studies
Tom studies contemporary sports media, focusing on established and emerging sports in the US. He specializes in media and cultural studies and is particularly interested in how sports media coverage reinforces and sometimes challenges widely held ideas about race, class, nation, gender, and sexuality. He teaches courses on sports journalism, digital media, and the history and significance of contemporary sports.
Brittany Ogden
Brittany Ogden

Brittany Ogden

Administrative Services Specialist
Judy Polumbaum
Judy Polumbaum

Judy Polumbaum, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
Polumbaum joined the Iowa faculty in 1989 and became professor emerita in mid-2015. She was one of the first Western scholars to focus on journalism and media in mainland China. She continues to write and publish on many subjects; her forthcoming book All Available Light: The Life and Legacy of Photographer Ted Polumbaum (McFarland Press, fall 2021) relates the story of her social activist photojournalist father, whose defiance of the House Committee on Un-American Activities as a young wire service reporter compelled him to take up a new, ultimately successful career behind the camera. Judy has a bachelor’s degree in East Asian studies from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, a master’s from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and a doctorate in communication from Stanford University.
Kevin Ripka
Kevin Ripka

Kevin Ripka

Assistant Professor of Instruction
Kevin's area of interest is data and information visualization within experiential, participatory, and interactive contexts utilizing web technologies, new technologies, and physical pieces. Subjects he likes to explore in these works include science communication to the public; pop culture & Americana (baseball cards being at the forefront of this inquiry); and heftier subjects such as time and mortality.
Jenny Ritchie
Jenny Ritchie

Jenny Ritchie

University Shared Services
Randy Schildmeyer
Randy Schildmeyer

Randy Schildmeyer

Instructional Service Specialist - Production Unit
Alex Scott
Alex Scott

Alex Scott, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Alex Scott’s research is focused on non-fiction practices of visual communication. He analyzes the construction of social difference through visual representation and seeks to illuminate the material processes that engender them. He holds a Ph.D. in Journalism and Media from The University of Texas at Austin.
Michelle Sillman
Michelle Sillman

Michelle Sillman

Recruitment, Internship, and Placement Coordinator
Adjunct Instructor
Jane Singer
Jane Singer

Jane Singer, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
Jane Singer is Professor of Entrepreneurial Journalism at City University London, where she is continuing her teaching and research into journalistic innovation. At Iowa, she most recently taught undergraduate classes in writing, ethics and political journalism, as well as graduate courses on social science theory and the changing media landscape.
Sujatha Sosale
Sujatha Sosale

Sujatha Sosale, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Sujatha Sosale studies media and social change in Global South countries, with a focus on South Asia, Southeast Asia and parts of Africa, especially areas with a history of Anglophone and Francophone colonization. Her publications include research on news and public affairs reporting about contemporary development, trade agreements in the news, national identity and news discourse at critical historical junctures, the political economy of the development of media technologies in colonial contexts, and media technology use in contemporary urban, postcolonial contexts. Her current research examines the integration of mobile and electronic media in the daily lives of communities in rural South India.
Heather Spangler
Heather Spangler

Heather Spangler

Associate Professor of Instruction
Event Management Certificate Coordinator
Easton Professor of Teaching
Heather Spangler is interested in helping brands of all types meet their goals through strategic communications, especially through events, social media, and written communications. A Hawkeye since birth, Heather has worked as a newspaper reporter and spent a decade working in strategic communications, event management, and alumni relations in higher education. In addition to her teaching duties as a lecturer in the School of Journalism & Mass Communication, Heather coordinates the University of Iowa’s Certificate in Event Management.
Javie Ssozi
Javie Ssozi

Javie Ssozi

Graduate Student
Research Assistant
Javie Ssozi is a Ph.D. student and Research Assistant in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Javie's research focuses on the interaction of politics, participation, and power within contemporary media. Specifically, he investigates how individuals engage with and navigate differing opinions and ideologies in digital conversations.
Rebekah Tilley
Rebekah Tilley

Rebekah Tilley

Graduate Student
Rebekah is Ph.D. student in mass communication focusing her research on strategic messaging and issues management. She is particularly interested in the dynamics at play in the institutional response to crises common to higher education.
Jenifer Vick
Jenifer Vick

Jenifer Vick

Associate Professor of Instruction
Nonprofit Leadership and Philanthropy Certificate Co-Director
Jenifer Vick, associate professor of instruction and co-director of the Nonprofit Leadership and Philanthropy Certificate, came to the University of Iowa in 2016. The newly-created program combines two related certificates—Nonprofit Management and Fundraising and Philanthropy Communication. Most nonprofits are small to medium in size and require professionals be well-versed in multiple functions, so providing this wider breadth of knowledge is important to UI students who will soon be utilizing those skills on the job.
Travis Vogan
Travis Vogan

Travis Vogan, Ph.D.

Travis's research and teaching center on sport, media, and U.S. culture. I am especially interested in film and television, media industries, documentary, and how understandings of "high" and "low" culture figure into these topics.
Jenny Xu
Jenny Xu

Jenny Xu

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Zhiying (Jenny) Xu is currently a Ph.D. student in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Her research interests lie in the media effect/influences of social media usages.
Rachel Young
Rachel Young

Rachel Young, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Rachel’s research investigates the role of social media and other user-generated digital content in health and wellness. Overall, the goal behind her research is to apply mass communication theory to improve health outcomes.
Queenie Zhou
Queenie Zhou

Queenie Zhou

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Joanna Krajewski
Joanna Krajewski

Joanna Krajewski, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Instruction
Director, Online MA in Strategic Communication
Joanna Krajewski holds a PhD in Mass Communication, emphasis in Environmental Risk Communication, an MPH in Community and Behavioral Health, and a BA in Communication Studies, all from the University of Iowa. Krajewski worked previously as a professor of and director of strategic communication at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida. As an educator, she hopes to inspire students to create communication campaigns that are effective and help make a positive difference in the world.
Erin Jordan
Erin Jordan Headshot

Erin Jordan

Associate Professor of Practice
Mark Tatge
Mark Tatge

Mark Tatge

Adjunct Instructor
Mark W. Tatge is CEO and founder of Deadline Media, a Chicago-based firm that creates specialized content and conducts survey research. Tatge has taught for more than a decade, focusing his efforts on multimedia storytelling and how to write intelligently about business topics.
Jaime Spencer
Jaime Spencer

Jaime Spencer

Professional Advisory Board
COO, Magid
Jaime Spencer is COO, for Magid, overseeing all technology product and strategy consulting operations focused on turning consumer intelligence into business results.
Sarah Witmer

Sarah Witmer

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Sarah Witmer is a Ph.D. student in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. She is studying true crime fans and their work to solve real life cases. Her interest is on how online behavior can effect outcomes within the criminal justice system.
Cassie Moeller
Cassie Moeller

Cassie Moeller

Graduate Coordinator
Ty Rushing
Ty Rushing Headshot

Ty Rushing

Assistant Professor of Practice
Adam Kempenaar
Adam Kempenaar

Adam Kempenaar

Professor of Practice
An award-winning digital content professional, Adam leverages extensive experience driving audience engagement within sports and entertainment to teach courses in both Sport and Recreation Management and the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Previously, Adam was the Vice President of Marketing and Content for the Chicago Blackhawks.
Keegan Colletta Huckfeldt
Angela Joens
Angela Joens.jpg

Angela Joens

Adjunct Instructor
Nonprofit Leadership and Philanthropy Certificate
Angela Joens joined the faculty as an adjunct instructor in August 2023.  She has over 30 years of fundraising experience.  She is also a non-profit consultant, an executive coach, and speaks nationally on topics related to stewardship, development and leadership. She has been featured in several industry publications. Joens is a proud alumnus of the University of Iowa, earned her MPA from Iowa State University, and an Executive Coaching Certificate from UC Davis. 
Eric Nelson
Eric Nelson

Eric Nelson

Adjunct Instructor
Eric's been an adjunct for the Master of Arts in Strategic Communication since 2013, teaching Digital Strategic Communication, Digital Analytics for Strategic Communication, and Copywriting for Strategic Communication.
Susan Brennan
Susan Brennan

Susan Brennan

Visiting Assistant Professor
Bingbing Zhang
Bingbing Zhang

Bingbing Zhang

Assistant Professor
Bingbing’s current research areas include media effects, political communication, health, and science communication. The primary goal of her research is to explore how strategic media messages bolster healthy social practices in the following four aspects: encouraging prosocial behaviors, promoting healthy practice, increasing public understanding of science, and fostering democratic engagement. 
Jamil Marques
Marques Picture SJMC

Jamil Marques

Associate Professor
Teaching for both Communication and Political Science Departments for nearly 20 years has allowed Jamil to blend insights from Political Communication, Media Sociology, and Journalism Studies.
Laura Kivlighan
Laura Kivlighan

Laura Kivlighan

Adjunct Instructor
Jake Mayer
Jake Mayer

Jake Mayer

Student Success and Engagement Coordinator
Raleigh Darnell
Raleigh Darnell

Raleigh Darnell

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Emma Calow
Emma Calow

Emma Calow

Assistant Professor of Instruction
Leah Latella
Leah Latella

Leah Latella

Adjunct Instructor
Kirk Murray
Kirk Murray

Kirk Murray

Adjunct Instructor
Rachel Fisher
Rachel Fisher

Rachel Fisher

Adjunct Instructor
Rachel Fisher holds a MA in Communication Studies with an emphasis in corporate communication. Rachel firmly believes that each person can make THE difference in communication and organizational growth. Rachel currently provides leadership, motivation and marketing training to organizations and corporations around the United States. Her research deals with employee motivation and engagement. Rachel is currently pursuing her PhD in Leadership & Change.
Akachukwu Ikefuama
Akachukwu Ikefuama

Akachukwu Ikefuama

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Sang Jung Kim
Sang Jung Kim

Sang Jung Kim

Assistant Professor
Sang studies the interaction between technology, politics, and social identity, with particular attention to the mediating role of social media platforms and the spread of information to the public. Sang specializes in examining messages in a multi-modal form, and utilize both experimental methods and computational approaches to understand how consumers and creators of such content introduce and are impacted by biases.
Kajsa Dalrymple
Kajsa Dalrymple

Kajsa Dalrymple

Adjunct Instructor
Erin Goss
Erin Goss

Erin Goss

Administrative Services Coordinator
Greg Johnson
Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson

Adjunct Instructor
Jonas Nyabor
Jonas Nyabor

Jonas Nyabor

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Sabena Abdul Raheem
Sabena Abdul Raheem

Sabena Abdul Raheem

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Sabena A.Raheem is a Ph.D. student in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Her research focuses on decolonizing representation, digital technologies and media effects on reproductive/sexual health.
Michael Davis
Michael Davis

Michael Davis

Visiting Assistant Professor
Tamara Ewoldt
Tamara Ewoldt

Tamara Ewoldt

Project Manager
Adjunct Instructor
Belle DuChene
Elizabeth DuChene

Belle DuChene

Adjunct Instructor
Belle DuChene is an award-winning content producer with a background in public relations, journalism, digital marketing, talent management, and affiliate commerce writing. She currently owns an award-winning content creation agency where she represents more than 100 midwest-based influencers.
Rebecca Obu
Rebecca Obu

Rebecca Obu

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Erdoo Ankwagh
Erdoo Ankwagh

Erdoo Ankwagh

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Erdoo holds an M.A. and B.A. in Mass Communication. An ace news anchor at the Ebonyi Broadcasting Corporation (Salt Fm), she's proficient in public speaking and adept at sharing knowledge with varying audiences. Her core aspirations are in research and instructional learning. Her other areas of interest are in leadership and personal development.
Amy Hospodarsky
Amy Hospodarsky

Amy Hospodarsky

Adjunct Instructor
Wayne Drehs

Wayne Drehs

Visiting Associate Professor of Practice
Jason Brummond

Jason Brummond

Adjunct Instructor
Sophia Restiffe Favoretto
Sophia Restiffe Favoretto

Sophia Restiffe Favoretto

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Uchenna Eze
Uchenna Eze

Uchenna Eze

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Uchenna Eze is an M.A student in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. She is broadly interested in sports media and development communication.
Jennifer Sterling
Jennifer Sterling

Jennifer Sterling

Associate Professor of Instruction
Andre Wright
Andre Wright

Andre Wright

Adjunct Instructor
Zack Kucharski
Zack Kucharski

Zack Kucharski

Adjunct Instructor
Matthew Charles
Matthew Charles

Matthew Charles

Adjunct Instructor
Sazzad Hossain
Sazzad Hossain

Sazzad Hossain

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Md Sazzad Hossain has M.A. degrees in journalism from the University of Mississippi and entrepreneurship economics from the University of Dhaka. He has a B.S.S. and M.S.S. in government and politics from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
Emily Delgado
Dana Rupe
Dana Rupe

Dana Rupe

Adjunct Instructor
Nicholas Arnold
Nick Arnold

Nicholas Arnold

Adjunct Instructor
Ted Anton
Ted Anton

Ted Anton

Professional Advisory Board
Professor Emeritus English, DePaul University
Ted Anton is the author of five books in creative nonfiction and popular science writing. His most recent book, Programmable Planet: The Synthetic Biology Revolution (Columbia University Press, 2023) explores the field of synthetic biology from its beginning to present day. Winner of a Carl Sandburg Award and a Fulbright Senior Research Fellowship, he is emeritus professor of English at Chicago’s DePaul University. His articles have appeared in Slate, Nautilus, Chicago Magazine, Publishers Weekly and the Chicago Tribune.
Musrat Jahan
Musrat Jahan

Musrat Jahan

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Musrat Jahan has a B.S.S. and M.S.S. in Journalism and Mass Communication from Begum Rokeya University, Bangladesh. Before joining the University of Iowa, she interned in Bangladesh Songbad Songstha (BSS) and the public relations department at Begum Rokeya University, Bangladesh.
Emily Hoerner
Emily Hoerner

Emily Hoerner

Professional Advisory Board
Investigative Reporter
Chicago Tribune
Julie Kraft
Julie Kraft

Julie Kraft

Adjunct Instructor
Julie Kraft has an extensive background with the media, having worked in television, radio, management and TV consultation for many years. She currently consults and coaches executives, develops strategic communication plans, advises on media relations, teaches at the university level, and works with various clients on marketing, organizational development, and crisis communication.
Roxanna Scott
Roxanna Scott

Roxanna Scott

Professional Advisory Board
Executive Editor and Vice President for Sports, USA TODAY
Roxanna Scott is the executive editor and vice president for sports at USA TODAY. A former president of the Association for Women in Sports Media, Roxanna has led the sports department since 2020, when she was named managing editor.
Anjelica Ortiz
Anjelica Ortiz

Anjelica Ortiz

Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
Anjelica Ortiz is a graduate student and teaching assistant in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. She is broadly interested in journalism studies, journalism ethics, bias, and misinformation.