Sang Jung Kim

Assistant Professor

Drop-in Hours

Spring 2025: Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm or by appointment

What is Sang's story?

Sang studies the interaction between technology, politics, and social identity, with particular attention to the mediating role of social media platforms and the spread of information to the public.

Sang specializes in examining messages in a multi-modal form, and utilize both experimental methods and computational approaches to understand how consumers and creators of such content introduce and are impacted by biases.

Sang teaches courses that focus on analytics for both undergraduate and graduate students.

  • JMC:3505 – Audiences and Analytics
  • JMC:6334 – Research Methods in Media Communication
Recent Publications
  • Lu, L. Liu, J. Kim, S. J. Tao, R. McLeod, D. Shah, D. V. (2024) The Effects of Numerical Evidence and Message Framing in Communicating Vaccine Efficacy. Health Communication. 
  • Wang, Y. Kim, S. J. Shan, Y. Sun, Y. Jiang, X. Lee, H. Borah, P. Wagner, M. Shah, D. (2024) Slant, Extremity, and Diversity: How the Shape of News Use Explains Electoral Judgments and Confidence. Public Opinion Quarterly. 
  • Kim, S. J., Villanueva, I., & Chen, K* (2023) Going beyond affective polarization: How emotional and identity cues are used in anti-vaccination conspiracies on TikTok. Political Communication. 
  • Tao, R., Kim, S. J., Kang, J., Lu, L., & McLeod, D. (2023) Fighting fire or fighting war: Examining the framing effects of COVID-19 metaphors. Health Communication. 
  • Shah, D. V.*, Sun, Z.*, Bucy, E. P., Kim, S. J., Sun, Y., Li, M., & Sethares, W. (2023) Building a multi-modal classifier of aggressive political style: Towards a computational understanding of political performance in a populist era. Communication Method & Measures. 
Sang Jung Kim
Contact Information

W313 Adler Journalism Building (AJB)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States