The SJMC Student Advisory Board was formed in Spring 2022 and aims to better represent student views within the school. The board is composed of 5-6 members and meets once a month to discuss challenges and successes in the School and reports these findings back to the director and faculty. The board also plans student-centered events and collaborates with other SJMC student leaders. 

Applications for open positions on the advisory board for the 2024-2025 school year will open in Spring 2024.


2023-2024 Board Members

From left to right Zoe Marckmann, Emily Delgado, Lilly Stence, Kennedy Lein, Grace Escritt, Sabine Martin and James McCurtis
Sabine Martin, chair

 My name is Sabine Martin and I am the Chair of the SJMC Student Advisory Board and Executive Editor of The Daily Iowan. I am senior at the University of Iowa studying journalism and mass communications and international studies. I also am earning a minor in French. I will be a national political reporter for the Arizona Republic this summer with the Pulliam Fellowship. In summer 2023, I interned at U.S. News and World Report in Washington, D.C. in summer 2023 as an education reporter and for the Cedar Rapids Gazette in 2022. I like seeing live music and cooking new cuisines. 

Emily Delgado

My name is Emily Delgado and I am on the Event Planning Committee of the SJMC Student Advisory Board. I am the Financial Director for KRUI.FM, a student writer for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Strategic Communication Office and a Communications Intern for the Iowa City Community School District. I am a junior at the University of Iowa studying journalism and mass communication and political science. This summer, I interned at the Office of the Mayor for the City of Chicago in the policy team. Post graduation, I am planning on starting a career in strategic communications and/or government communications in Chicago!

Kennedy Lein

Hi my name is Kennedy Lein! I am a Junior at The University of Iowa Studying Journalism and Mass Communication with a minor in International Studies. I am an Opinions Columnist for the Daily Iowan, a co-host for the Iowa City Foriegn Relations Council's Glocal Voices Podcast, social media marketing intern for The School of Journalsim and Mass Communication, and a writer for Zealous Magazine. I joined the student advisory board because I have had so many great opportunities within the SJMC department that I want to make sure other students have just as great of an experience and opportunities. 

Zoe Marckmann

Hello! My name is Zoe Marckmann and I am on the Event Planning Committee of the SJMC Student Advisory Board. I am a junior at the University of Iowa studying Journalism and Mass Communications on the Strategic Communications track. My second area of study is Buisness Administration. I chose Journalism becuase I have a passion for photography, videography, and creating content for social media. Post graduation I hope to get a job in social media marketing somewhere in Iowa or Colorado. 

James McCurtis

Hi! My name is James L. McCurtis III and I serve as the interrim-vice chair of the SJMC Student Advisory Board. I am currently a sophomore here at the University of Iowa pursuing a dual major in Journalism and Mass Communications and Ethics and Public Policy. I decided to become a journalist because of the change they bring. Many of the rights we have now would not have been possible had it not been for journalists behind the scenes covering controversial issues and given a platform to the voiceless to speak. I like to write for Nuru, an African-American focused newspaper here on campus, and doing community service with my fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha, the first African-American fraternity. This summer I will be interning in Washington DC through The Institute, an organization dedicated to giving a voice to Black college men. In my free time I like to read manga, host my radio show on KRUI.FM, and pennyboard with friends.

Lilly Stence

Hey there! My name is Lilly and I am serving as the Secretary on the SJMC Student Advisory Board. I am a current third year student studying Journalism and Mass Communication, and I am also working towards a certificate in Sustainability. This past summer (2023) I worked as a camp counselor, as well as worked on the social media team for a summer camp in the British Virgin Islands. I am also currently serving as the Vice President of Communications for the Panhellenic Council here at Iowa. Alongside that, I recently joined Zealous Magazine as a Lead Photographer and I am so excited! Outside of school, I love traveling, reading, film photography, live music, and going on long walks and runs. 

Grace Escritt

My name is Grace Escritt and I am serving as the First-year Representative for the SJMC Student Advisory Board. I am studying journalism and mass communication with an emphasis on reporting and writing. I also plan to briefly study sociology and political science in the upcoming years. I chose to major in journalism because with my work, I aspire to continuously expand my knowledge and serve to properly represent the voices of the general public. I am currently an editor for Foundationalist, which is an intercollegiate literary magazine for undergraduate students. In my free time, I enjoy reading, writing, attending theater shows (especially musicals) and traveling.

2022-2023 Board Members

  • Gretchen Lenth, Chair
  • Sabine Martin
  • James McCurtis
  • Lally Morales
  • Lilly Stence


Do you have feedback about SJMC that you would like to share with the Student Advisory Board? If so, fill out the anonymous feedback form. You can also leave your contact information if you would like a board member to reach out.