Collaboration is central to SJMC's research mission. Faculty collaborate with and mentor graduate students on research projects that lead to peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and conference presentations.

The Easton Collaborative Research Award provides graduate student and faculty research teams with awards of up to $5,000 to conduct a collaborative research project led by the student.

The School also supports collaboration through a summer Research Assistant program open to all SJMC faculty and students and through additional funding for research-related expenses.

Below is a list of recent publications that have resulted from collaborations with SJMC faculty, students, and recent alumni.


Stoldt, R., Maragh-Lloyd, R., Havens, T., Ekdale, B., High, A. (2023). Using racial discourse communities to audit personalization algorithms. Communication, Culture & Critique. Online First.

Young, R., Kananovich, V., & Johnson, B. G. (2023). Young adults’ folk theories of how social media harms its users. Mass Communication and Society, 26(1), 23-46.


Peterson, A., High, A., Maragh-Lloyd, R., Stoldt, R., & Ekdale, B. (2022). Trust in online search results during uncertain times. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 66(5), 751-771.

Dowling, D., Johnson, P., & Ekdale, B. (2022). Hijacking journalism: Legitimacy and metajournalistic discourse in right-wing podcasts. Media and Communication, 10(3).

Dowling, D., & Paul, S. (2022). Indie visionaries: Advancing the digital frontier of literary journalism in India. In J.S. Bak & B. Reynolds (eds.) The Routledge Companion to World Literary Journalism. Routledge.

Ekdale, B., Biddle, K., Tully, M., Kofi, M., & Rinaldi, A. (2022). Global disparities in knowledge production within journalism studies: Are special issues the answer? Journalism Studies23(15), 1942-1961

Ekdale, B., Rinaldi, A., Ashfaquzzaman, M., Khanjani, M., Matanji, F., Stoldt, R., & Tully, M. (2022). Geographic disparities in knowledge production: A big data analysis of peer-reviewed Communication publications from 1990 to 2019. International Journal of Communication, 12, 2498–2525.

Henderson, C., & Oates, T.P. (2022). This means more: Branded socialism at Liverpool’s soccer clubs. Communication and Sport. Online First.

Miller, K., Fox, K., & Dowling, D. (2022). From Black Lives Matter to COVID-19: Daily news podcasts and the reinvention of audio reporting. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media, 20(2), 1-20.

Young, R., & Tully, M. (2022). Autonomy vs. control: associations among parenting practices, perceived parenting styles, and U.S. adolescents’ risky online experiences. Cyberpsychology, 16(2).

Johnson, P. R., & Tully, M. (2022). Can we rebuild broken relationships? Examining journalism, social media, and trust in a fractured media environment. In The Palgrave Handbook of Media Misinformation. Springer.


Madrid-Morales, D., Wasserman, H., Gondwe, G., Ndlovu, K., Sikanku, E., Tully, M., Umejei, E. L., & Uzuegbunam, C. (2021). Motivations for sharing misinformation: A comparative study in six Sub-Saharan African countries. International Journal of Communication, 15, 1200¬1219.

Mihailidis, P., Ramasubramanian, S., Tully, M., Foster, B., Riewestahl, E., Johnson, P., & Angove, S. (2021). Do media literacies approach equity and justice? Journal of Media Literacy Education, 13(2), 1-14.

Thompson, H., Carr, L., Whitaker, K., & Young, R. (2021). University stakeholders largely unaware and unsupportive of university pouring rights contracts with companies supplying sugar-sweetened beverages. Journal of American College Health. Online First.

Tuwei, D., & Tully, M. (2021). The role of change agents in the adaptation and use of mobile money services in Kenya. Journal of African Media Studies, 13(1), 89–102.

Young, R., Chen, L., Zhu, G., & Subramanian, R. (2021). Cautionary tales: social representation of risk in U.S. newspaper coverage of cyberbullying exemplars. Journalism Studies, 22(13), 1832-1852.

Young, R., Kananovich, K., & Johnson, B.G. (2021). Young adults’ folk theories of how social media harms its users. Mass Communication & Society. Online First.


Bolenbaugh, M., Foley-Nicpon, M., Young, R., Tully, M., Ramirez, M., & Grunewald, N. (2020). Parental perceptions of gender differences in child technology use and cyberbullying. Psychology in the Schools, 57, 1657–1679.

Chen, L., Zhang, Y., Young, R., Wu, X., & Zhu, G. (2020). Effects of vaccine-related conspiracy theories on Chinese young adults’ perceptions of the HPV vaccine: an experimental study. Health Communication, 36(11), 1343-1353.

Fox, K., Dowling, D., & Miller, K. (2020). A curriculum for blackness: Podcasts as discursive cultural guides, 2010-2020. Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 27(2), 298-318.

Henry, T., & Oates, T.P. (2020). “Sport is argument”: Polarization, racial tension, and the. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 44(2), 154-174.televised sport debate format

Paul, S., & Dowling, D. (2020). Gandhi's newspaperman: T.G. Narayanan and the quest for an independent India, 1938-1946. Modern Asian Studies, 54(2), 471-501. 

Paul, S. & Sosale, S. (2020). Witnessing a Disaster: Public Use of Digital Technologies in the 2015 South Indian Floods. Digital Journalism, 8(1), 15-31.

Wellman, M., Tully, M., Stoldt, R., & Ekdale, B. (2020). Ethics of authenticity: Influencers and the production of sponsored content. Journal of Media Ethics, 35(2), 68–82.