Reserve Items

  • Students must show a current student ID to check out reserve items from the Reading Room. Student Center staff will hold the card until the reserve item has been returned.
  • Reserve items may be borrowed for a two-hour period during the day, and overnight from 4 pm until 9 am the following day, unless otherwise specified by the instructor (for example, some instructors allow materials to be borrowed for a three-day period).

Fines: $0.50 per hour for two-hour loans, and $0.50 per day for 3-day reserve

Books and Monographs

  • Students must show a current student ID to check out items from the Student Center. Undergraduates may borrow books for two weeks. Books can be renewed, but will be subject to recall if another patron requests to use the material. Graduate students may borrow books on extended loan, with items falling due on the last day of the current semester.
  • Faculty and staff may borrow books on extended loan, with items falling due at the end of the current academic year.
  • Books that have been checked out by students and faculty are subject to recall if they have been checked out for 2 weeks or longer. Please talk to the Student Center coordinator to find out how to place a hold on material that is checked out.

Fines: $0.50 per day per item. Fines begin to accrue on the first day following the due date.

Journals and Magazines

  • Students must show a current student ID card to check out items from the Student Center.
  • Students may use current issues in the Student Center. They may not be removed except by faculty. Noncurrent issues may be checked out for a period of two weeks.
  • Journals and magazines are subject to recall by another user at any time.

Fines: $0.50 per day per item. Fines begin to accrue on the first day following the due date.


  • Newspapers may be used in the Student Center. They may not be removed except by faculty.

Reference Books

  • Reference books may not be checked out.

Thesis, Masters Projects, and Honors Projects

  • Students may view theses, dissertations, and projects in the Student Center. Faculty may make arrangements to borrow theses for short periods of time.