Articles from October 2021

Professor Melissa Tully Presents New Research Regarding Media Literacy
Friday, October 29, 2021
Associate Professor Melissa Tully is co-principal investigator of a research team that has recently published a report regarding media literacy in the U.S. The report titled “Equity and Impact in Media Literacy Practice: Mapping the Field in the United States,” consists of findings from a year-long research effort. The research team also published “Field Guide for Equitable Media Literacy Practice,” based on the findings in the report.
SJMC Strategic Communication Writing Course Visits Coralville Non-Profit Houses Into Homes
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Getting students out of the classroom and involved in real-world community projects allows the curriculum to live and breathe. This has been the focus of Professor Frank Durham’s Strategic Communication Writing class throughout the course of the semester. On October 2nd, students in the course took a field trip to a local non-profit organization in Coralville. Houses Into Homes looks to provide household furnishings to families and individuals in the Iowa City Community School District.

PhD, MA Assistantships Available in Mass Communication at the University of Iowa
Monday, October 25, 2021
The School is home to the first PhD program in the field of mass communication, and it continues to train emerging scholars in cutting-edge research. Our curriculum provides a strong foundation in humanistic and social science theories and methods. Research areas of strength include global media, digital media, sports media, health/science communication, journalism studies, and critical/cultural studies.

Alumni Awarded for Advancing the Understanding Journalism's Role in Democracy
Monday, October 25, 2021
Brett Johnson (M.A. 2011), was recognized for his efforts to advance the understanding of the role of journalism in democracy. By crossing disciplinary and methodological boundaries to study the nexus of law and ethics, and to advance the understanding of the First Amendment, Johnson has achieved tremendous success.

Advanced Topics in Designing/Producing Utilize Virtual Reality and New Technology to Teach Journalism
Friday, October 22, 2021
“The main goal of the course is exploration,” Professor Ripka said. “It’s a 4000-level course, so students should have a good foundation in storytelling and journalism using traditional media. The crux of the class is taking those skills that are overarching and exploring how to best use them in these new media and find out what the media is and isn’t good for.”
Students Benefit from Speed Networking
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
“My speed networking experience was extremely valuable. I left feeling confident and encouraged after participating in so many great conversations,” said Sarah Hager, a fourth-year student in the journalism program. “I am not interested in pursuing a career in traditional print journalism, and many of the conversations I had left me with new ideas of jobs that could suit my passions.”

Event Management Certificate Program Learns About Sustainability
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
SJMC students enrolled in the Event Management Certificate's Sustainable Events course took a field trip to visit the Iowa City Landfill. The class met with Iowa City’s Recycling Coordinator, Jane Wilch, who showed the students the landfill and taught them valuable lessons about sustainability.

Alumni Named Director of Promotions for Off-Campus Writers' Workshop
Friday, October 8, 2021
Kelly Q. Anderson (B.A. 2003) was named Director of Promotions for the famed Off-Campus Writers' Workshop, the oldest, continuously running writing workshop in the country. She is a Chicago-based writer and former newspaper columnist specializing in creative nonfiction, poetry, and flash.

SJMC Students Find Success with Podcast
Monday, October 4, 2021
SJMC students Sammy Sommerfeld and Jack McFarland launch podcast during the Covid-19 pandemic. Over the course of a year they interviewed many notable guests as well as current Iowa Hawkeye athletes.