Articles from April 2021

Exploring Careers in Our Industry
Thursday, April 29, 2021
The University of Iowa School of Journalism & Mass Communication hosted a series of webinars called “Finding Your Starting Point,” in spring of 2021. During these webinars, students met alumni and visiting professionals who have forged careers in the media industries.

Six Professors Selected to Present Research at the 2021 International Communication Association Conference
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Six faculty members from the School of Journalism and Mass Communication whose papers were selected for presentation at the 2021 International Communication Association (ICA) Conference will work alongside other renowned research institutions and individuals, furthering research into modern journalism and communications practices.

Read David Dowling's Interview with The Daily Vonnegut on his Recent Book
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
In A Delicate Aggression: Savagery and Survival in the Iowa Writers’ Workshop (2019 – Yale University Press), David O. Dowling explores the history of America’ preeminent creative writing program. Read Dowling's interview with The Daily Vonnegut about his book.

Josie Fischels Receives Hearst Journalism Award
Thursday, April 8, 2021
University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication student Josie Fishels placed 14 out of the top 20 finalists in the Personality/Profile Writing Competition. "I am so grateful for the tools the organization and School of Journalism and Mass Communication have given me to make this publication a possibility!"