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Student Center
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The Student Center, located in Room E350 Adler Journalism Building, is a place for students to study, relax between classes, work on group projects, check e-mail, do research, and browse key publications in the field of journalism and mass communications.
Center Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8am - 8pm
Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED
Services Offered
- Peer Mentors - Peer Mentors serve to support and encourage student success! Students: make an appointment with a peer mentor today!
- Academic Advising - Anna Newnum's office is located in E350D.
- Writing Assistance
- Internships and Job Opportunities - Michelle Sillman's office is located in E350E.
- Coffee and Tea Cart - Come get a cup of coffee or tea and a breakfast bar or piece of fruit.
- Conference Room - Located in E350B. Available for students who want to work on group projects, hold student organizations meetings, or conduct phone interviews. A scheduling book is available at the front desk to reserve the room.
- Magazines, Newspapers - The Student Center maintains a collection of major newspapers and magazines available for students to read. There is a selection of journalism trade publications and magazines that represent different areas of magazine writing including food, travel, entertainment, sports, arts, health, and music.
- Reserve Textbooks - Required textbooks for courses are on reserve at the front desk. Students may check books out for 2 hours. In addition, other reserve readings and videos can be found here.
- Podcast Studio - The podcast studio is located in E350C. It is available for SJMC students who have completed training and class assignments are prioritized. Reservation book and signout sheet at the front desk.
- Computers - Mac computers are available for working on assignments, printing homework, doing research, and checking your email.
- Black/White and Color Printers - ITC printers are available.
For more information or questions about the Student Center, contact jacob-mayer@uiowa.edu.