Frank Durham, Ph.D.
What is Frank’s story?
Frank Durham’s research interests include journalism history and media framing analysis. Prior to completing his doctorate, he worked in strategic communications. He teaches courses in journalism history, strategic communication, and cultural satire.
Frank Durham is a member of the University Faculty Senate, a member of the University Faculty Council, a member of the Senate Committee on Academic Values, and a founding participant in the University Office of Teaching and Learning Committee’s large lecture development program. He won the 2011-2012 Collegiate Teaching Award in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at the University of Iowa.
- JMC:3185 - Topics in Understanding Media, Conservative Media and Contemporary Journalism
- JMC:3412 - Strategic Communication Writing
- JMC:4315 - Advanced Strategic Communication
- Durham, F.D. and Carpenter, John C. (2014). The face of multi-culturalism in Korea: Media ritual as framing in news coverage of Jasmine Lee. Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism (In press).
- Durham, F. D. & Lee, H.-J. (2013). Framing as Media Ritual: Fox News Network Re-Frames the Bristol Palin Pregnancy Media Report to Women, 41(1): 12-18.
- Barnes, Emileigh & Durham, Frank D. (2011). Gender, leadership, and crisis: A framing analysis of Sally Mason’s presidency of the University of Iowa. Journal of Research on Women and Gender.
- Durham, Frank D. (2008). Media ritual in catastrophic time: The populist turn in television coverage of Hurricane Katrina. Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism, 9 (1): 95-116.
- Durham, Frank D. (2007). The last true believers: The Knoxville Journal in the late Civil Rights movement. The Journal of Communication Inquiry, 31 (4): 347-365.
- Durham, Frank D. (2007). Framing the state within globalization: The Financial Times’ coverage of the 1997 Thai currency crisis. Critical Studies in Media Communication. 24(1), 57-76.
- Durham, Frank D. (2006). Exposed by Katrina: The gulf between the president and the press. Critical Studies in Media Communication. vol. 23, no. 1: 81-84.
- Durham, Frank D. (2005). Media tactics and taste: Organizing the Southern labor movement at Highlander Folk School, 1938-1946. Javnost—The Public: Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture, vol. 12, no. 1: 33-48.
- Durham, Frank D. (2005). Symmetry as structuration: The StarLink™ global food contamination case. The Journal of Public Relations Research, vol. 17, no. 1: 29-47.
- Durham, Frank D. (2002). Anti-Communism, race, and structuration: Newspaper coverage of the labor and desegregation movements in the South, 1932-40 and 1953-61. Journalism and Mass Communication Monographs, vol. 4, no. 2: 49-107.
- Durham, Frank D. (1998). News Frames as Social Narratives: TWA Flight 800, Journal of Communication, vol. 48, no. 4: 100-117.
- Durham, Frank D. (1992). History of a curriculum: The search for salience. Journalism Educator, vol. 48: 14-20.
Book chapters
- Durham, Frank D. (2014). Inescapable Reality: Pragmatism and the Press in the New Orleans School Desegregation Crisis of 1960-61. In S. L. Alexander, F. D. Durham, & L. Lorenz (Editors). Stop the Presses: A Case Study of The New Orleans Times-Picayune. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
- Durham, Frank D. (2013). “Media insurgents in the network society: Breitbart, O’Keefe, and mass self-communication.” In Bonnie Brennen, editor, Assessing Evidence in a Postmodern World, pp. 197-216. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press.
- Durham, Frank D. (2001). Breaching powerful boundaries: A postmodern critique of framing. In Stephen D. Reese (Ed.) Framing public life: Perspectives on media and our understanding of the social world, 123-136. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Durham, Frank D. (2011). Media ritual in catastrophic time: The populist turn in television coverage of Hurricane Katrina. In Berkowitz, D. (Ed.) Cultural meanings of news, 103-118. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
- Nominee for the Scripps Howard Foundation Journalism & Mass Communication Teacher of the Year. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. 2014
- 2011-2012 Collegiate Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Iowa. 2012
- University Housing Recognizes Academic Excellence Award, University Housing, Office of Residence Life, University of Iowa. 2009
- Distinguished Service Award, Women’s Studies Program, The University of Texas at Austin. 1997
- Service Recognition Award
- Association of Educators of Journalism and Mass Communication, Public Relations Division